Migrant life narratives as place-making in post-colonial Australia

Migrant life narratives as place-making in post-colonial Australia
Friday 27 October 2023

The workshop revisited the contentious terms that have been considered essential for understanding Australian history, such as “migrant”, “refugee” or “multicultural.” We reflected on how migrant life narratives, cutting across different genres, languages and cultures, define Australia as home and respond to the power dynamics that underlie the settler colonial heritage. We also engaged with recent criticism of “migrant writing” genre, and address theoretical and
methodological questions about how to talk about works produced in Australia by people who apply transcultural lenses to their narratives of place and selves. HDRs/ECRs and established academics working in different disciplines (incl. literature, languages, history, anthropology, philosophy) are welcome. 


Updated:  22 December 2023/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications