Corridors and Corrections in Modern Uzbekistan

Corridors and Corrections in Modern Uzbekistan

In June 2019, the CAMCA (Central Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Forum is non-political and non-partisan and was established to promote region-wide discussions on the means of advancing economic growth and development in Greater Central Asia. Its central function is `fostering dialogue and interaction among rising young leaders from all sectors in the countries of the region as well as with international leaders and stakeholders’.
The Forum involved private entrepreneurs, professionals and civil society actors and witnessed a wide-ranging series of talks, speakers and sub-fora on contemporary Central Asia discussing the increase strong, positive and durable economic and social links in the region. It primarily focused on infrastructure, economic integration and the digital economy through the lens of regional cooperation.   
In this Majlis Andrea Mya Riboust, who attended the CAMCA Forum, will discuss his findings on the dialogue and prospects for regional cooperation and challenges.  
The CAMCA Forum can be accessed online via:
Andrea has a Masters in Diplomacy from the ANU Coral Bell School of Asia-Pacific Affairs. He is interested in the diplomacy and geopolitics that occurs in and around the Middle East, as he firmly believes that the region with its rich history and culture can provide indicators and clues on how to conduct successful and more effective diplomacy.
The next Majlis for 2019 will be held at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies. Tea, coffee, and cakes will be available from 10.45am.
We hope to start by 11.05am, hence please be on time so we are able to have a full and in-depth discussion. Parking on the ANU campus can be difficult after 9am, please see this map for visitor parking locations (we are located in building 127 on Ellery Crescent, or block E3).
As always, please feel free to contact us on this email if you have any questions or concerns.


Date & time

Fri 23 Aug 2019, 11am–12.30pm


CAIS Seminar Room, Building 127, Ellery Cres., Acton, 2601, ACT


Mr Andrea Mya Riboust

Event series



Updated:  14 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications