MAJLIS @ANU | Kindness in Higher Education

This concept of kindness in pedagogical design is not a new one, but it is one that has been often overlooked. Through this project, by actively listening to experiences and observing academics, staff members, and students, Dr Wajeehah Aayeshah tries to develop a framework of kindness. As a practicing Muslim her approach is based in her faith. Both Quran and Sunnah consistently ask for and demonstrate the importance of kindness. Through this project, Dr Wajeehah Aayeshah tries to align the practice of her faith-based values to her work in education. She also explores how people of different cultures and values approach kindness.

Dr Wajeehah Aayeshah is a Lecturer in Curriculum Design at the Arts Teaching Innovation (ATI), University of Melbourne. An academic geek, she develops meaningful learning experiences and investigates co-creation of teaching and learning. Her research explores designing safe pedagogical spaces that are inclusive, interesting, and kind. Her current project ‘kindness in pedagogy’ explores kind academic practices. These include engaging ‘Students as Partners’, ‘joyful teaching’, and creating ‘equity-driven academic culture’. She also collaborates with artists and game designers to produce creative narratives. Her interdisciplinary publications range from research articles, book chapters, to short stories and games.


Date & time

Fri 04 Aug 2023, 11am–12pm




Dr Wajeehah Aayeshah

Event series


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