Position: Lecturer in Arabic Language Pedagogy and Convenor of Arabic Language Program
School and/or Centres: Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies
Email: Leila.Kouatly@anu.edu.au
Researcher profile: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/leila-kouatly
Leila Kouatly is an Associate Lecturer in the Arabic program. Ms Kouatly holds a Bachelor of Information Management from the University of Canberra and is currently completing a Master of Teaching (Languages Other Than English). She has been involved in the teaching of CAIS Arabic courses since 2011.
More recently, she held the role of Educational Developer for the CAIS Online Languages project, working on the design and development of the CAIS courses for online delivery. As part of this project, Leila has worked on two levels of Introductory and Intermediate Arabic courses as well as the Arab Current Affairs and Media course. Her interests include Second Language Acquisition and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning.
Leila is working with France Meyer to publish an Introductory Arabic e-Text based on the online course that they designed and implemented through CAIS. They have recently been awarded an ANU eTEXT Grant to work on this publication.